Register a total of X unique items in the Kharidian Desert section of your Slayer collection log

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Register a total of X unique items in the Kharidian Desert section of your Slayer collection log
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The uniques can be obtained from the following monsters, and the number in the parentheses corresponds the Slayer level required to harm it: Dust devils (65), Desert strykewyrms (77), Sophanem Slayer Dungeon creatures (88+), Ripper demons (96) and Camel warriors (96).
Tier Medium, Hard, Elite, Master, Grandmaster
RS Wiki page The Devourer

Number of Tasks[edit]

These tasks appear in tiers from Medium to Grandmaster, with the following breakdown:

  • Medium - 1
  • Hard - 4
  • Elite - 2
  • Master - 2
  • Grandmaster - 3

The final task is for completion of the Sand in My Loot achievement.

Drop Log Items[edit]

Drop First Tier Monster (Slayer Level) Drop Rate Task Allowed
Dragon chainbody Medium Dust devil (65) 1/32,768[1]
Focus sight Medium Desert strykewyrm (77) 1/512[2] Slayer
Vital spark Hard Corrupted creature (88+) Uncommon
Key to the crossing Hard Corrupted creature (88+) 1/400[2][3] Slayer
Corrupted gem Hard Corrupted creature (88+) 1/5,000[2] Slayer
Khopesh of the Kharidian Hard Corrupted creature (88+) 1/15,000[2] Slayer
Raptor key part 2 Elite Ripper demon (96) 1/256[4] Slayer
Ripper claw Elite Ripper demon (96) 1/10,000[2] Slayer
Off-hand ripper claw Elite Ripper demon (96) 1/10,000[2] Slayer
Parasitic orb Elite Ripper demon (96) 1/30,000[5] Slayer
Raptor key part 3 Elite Camel warrior (96) 1/256[4] Slayer
Camel staff Elite Camel warrior (96) 1/10,000[2] Slayer
  1. Increased drop rate (1/128) from Kalphite Queen
  2. Increased drop rate on slayer assignment
  3. Increased drop rate with a Sophanem slayer dungeon drop enhancer
  4. Only drops on slayer assignment
  5. Elite variant has increased drop rate