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This category contains pages that are related to tasks.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "Tasks"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,581 total.
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- A kick a day keeps the pain away
- Achieve a perfect score when upgrading a building in Fort Forinthry
- Acquire 100% sprite focus five times without losing focus on the time sprite
- Activate a Luminite injector in the Artisans' Workshop on world 70
- Activate all Deep Sea Fishing boosts at the same time
- Activate all portals in the Stormguard Citadel
- Activate all six Prayer Powders at once
- Activate any totem along the Anachronia coast
- Add an Omni-talisman to your wicked hood
- Adopt Sheldon
- Adorn a hellhound with some fabulously retro infernal fashion
- Ambassador meets Tank
- Anticipate the moves of the Crassian Leviathan to avoid being stunned before defeating it
- Arrange an Island Getaway by knocking the moai of the Hanto island at least 4 tiles away from where it started
- Assemble a Bandos godsword
- Assemble a Dragon square shield
- Assemble a Saradomin godsword
- Assemble a Tuska mask
- Assemble a Zamorak godsword
- Assemble an Armadyl godsword
- Assemble Laniakea's spear
- Assemble the fractured staff of Armadyl
- Assemble the Mizuyari
- Assert your dominance over TzTok-Jad by using a Fire cape on him just before defeating him
- Assist the citizens of Mort'ton for good
- Attempt a daring dash across some crocs
- Attempt to attach an Armadyl Hilt to a damaged Prototype Godsword
- Attempt to crush a Gargoyle in the Infernal Source
- Augment a piece of body armour
- Augment a piece of leg armour
- Augment a tool
- Avoid all hard mode Kerapac's lightning strikes
- Avoid getting (MC) hammered by Kerapac's lightning strikes
- Bake a Redberry pie within Thalmund's Forge, and give it to Thurgo inside the Forge
- Be a badass, heal yourself with a black dragonhide shield while fighting Alanogard
- Be an absolutely Livid savage to Pauline Polaris
- Be efficient, kill Yor'Ger for some Slayer experience
- Become a Thief beyond Belief by thieving from all kinds of Stalls
- Become the anti-Cher and avoid turning back time against Kerapac in hard mode
- Become the Jack of all Menaphos
- Become the Lord of the Rings
- Become the Ruler of the Sea
- Become the silver Iceborn
- Become the Silver Warden
- Become the tool of all tools
- Become the True Iceborn
- Become the True Warden
- Become the Ultimate Birdwatcher by having at least 50 Penguin points at once
- Boop a Goopy Bloop in the Dragonkin Laboratory
- Break the sound barrier while flying across the Stormguard Citadel harnessing something powerful
- Breed an Evil chicken
- Bring Helen the perfect cup of tea at the Archaeology campus
- Build a memorial for the Myreque
- Build the Simple generator
- Build the tier 1 pig creation machine
- Burn at least 15 logs at once using the Pyromaniac perk
- Bury or scatter at least one of each type of bones and ashes
- Buy a chapel and construct an altar in your Player-Owned House
- Buy a full set of Attuned crystal armour from Angof's Crystal Armour Shop
- Buy a full set of regular Crystal armour from Angof's Crystal Armour Shop
- Buy a unique piece of the Master runecrafter robes
- Buy Mad Ramblings (1) and Mad Ramblings (2) from Barbarian Assault
- Buy the Totem of Crystal base from the Herby Werby reward shop
- Buy the Totem of the Abyss top from the Herby Werby reward shop
- Bye Bye Bye!
- Calm yourself down after drinking an aggression potion
- Cast High alchemy on an Obsidian bar
- Cast Ice barrage on a player 99 times in Castle Wars
- Cast the Bones to bananas spell on some bones within Senntisten
- Cast the Bones to peaches spell on some bones within Senntisten
- Catch a grenwall in a crystalized trap
- Catch an abnormally Big shark and mount it in your house
- Catch an abnormally Big swordfish and mount it in your house
- Catch an exceptionally Big bass and mount it in your house
- Catch the Golden Butterfly
- Cause a different Extinction Event
- Cause an Extinction Event
- Charge all Tortle portals on The Islands That Once Were Turtles
- Charge the Balance Elemental engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Druid engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Elder Sword engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Fairy engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Gnome engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Guardians of Guthix engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Naragi engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Sheep engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Stone of Jas engram at the Memorial to Guthix and unlock the first Prestige at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Sword of Edicts engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the Time engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Charge the World Gate engram at the Memorial to Guthix
- Chat to Prehistoric Potterington about Zygomites
- Check in on Philipe's final adventuring progress
- Check out the School of Jewels
- Check out what's up for sail at the Deep Sea Fishing Merchant and make a purchase
- Claim 25 rewards from the Motherlode Maw in the Edimmu resource dungeon
- Claim a Cooking experience lamp worth 8,000 experience from the Head Chef in the Cook's guild
- Claim a free clue scroll from Zaida
- Claim all the Dishonourable loot
- Claim all treasure from Gudrik
- Claim and presume ownership of several rewards from the Statue of Death
- Claim and use the lamps from Azzanadra and Wahisietel after Fate of the Gods
- Claim Azzanadra's Heart
- Claim Bill's reward
- Claim Morvran's Slayer xp lamp
- Claim Professor Oddenstein's reward after or upon completion of the Ernest the Chicken quest
- Claim the Archaeology experience from the books in the Dungeon of Disorder
- Claim the Divination lamp from Mr Mordaut
- Claim the Gower lamps
- Claim the Helmet of Trials from Ilona by obtaining a total of 300 quest points
- Claim the huge experience reward from Brundt the Chieftain
- Claim two armour sets after The Death of Chivalry
- Claim Yelps's very own cash bag
- Cleanse 15 Blissful shadow cores
- Cleanse 15 Manifest shadow cores and obtain the Divination experience lamp from Lord Amlodd
- Cleanse 15 Truthful shadow cores
- Clear the shortcut found in the Uzer Mastaba to the Small scarabs cave
- Clear the shortcuts on Ape Atoll and Gu'Tanoth
- Collect 250 or more Tears from a single entry in Tears of Guthix
- Collect 6 statuettes for Xenia
- Collect 60 shards in Familiarisation
- Collect all 26 Ancient pages for 'My notes'
- Collectors... Assemble!
- Combine your Igneous Kal-capes into the Igneous Kal-Zuk
- Complete 25 Chimp ice deliveries
- Complete 5 supply runs for Captain Denulth
- Complete 5 supply runs for Commander Denulth
- Complete a Firemaker's log by burning at least one of each existing log
- Complete a grand total of 1,000 clue scrolls
- Complete a lap of the Anachronia agility course in less than seven minutes
- Complete a total of 100 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 100 construction contracts
- Complete a total of 120 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 140 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 160 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 180 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 20 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 200 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 200 collections
- Complete a total of 200 Shifting Tombs and successfully escape
- Complete a total of 40 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 60 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 80 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete all four final story missions in the Player-owned Ports
- Complete all of a God Emissary's tasks and obtain the God banner
- Complete all three challenges in the Broken Home quest simultaneously
- Complete both of the invention technology trees
- Complete both Strongholds
- Complete every single floor in Daemonheim on Hard Mode
- Complete Forcae's Journal
- Complete Isaura's third Zamorakian collection
- Complete Kaigi's Journal
- Complete Kili’s fifth Deathwarden upgrade task and upgrade your Death Skull set to T60, as well as a Deathwarden (T50 tank) set to a Deathwarden (T60 tank) set
- Complete Morvran's special Slayer challenge
- Complete the A Void Dance quest
- Complete the Arcane apoterrasaur breeding log
- Complete the Asciatops breeding log
- Complete the Bagrada rex breeding log
- Complete the Beginner Lumbridge achievement diary
- Complete the Black Stone Trilogy
- Complete the Brutish dinosaur breeding log
- Complete the Burthorpe Book section of the Achievement Paths
- Complete the Chicken breeding log
- Complete the Chinchompa breeding log
- Complete the Clock Tower quest
- Complete the Corbicula rex breeding log
- Complete the Cow breeding log
- Complete the Dragon breeding log
- Complete the Easy Ardougne achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Daemonheim achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Desert achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Falador achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Karamja achievement diary
- Complete the easy Karamja achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Lumbridge achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Morytania achievement diary
- Complete the Easy New Varrock achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Seers' Village achievement diary
- Complete the easy Tirannwn achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Varrock achievement diary
- Complete the Easy Wilderness achievement diary
- Complete the easy Wilderness achievement diary
- Complete the eighth and final Doric task
- Complete the elite Ardougne achievement diary
- Complete the elite Daemonheim achievement diary
- Complete the elite Desert achievement diary
- Complete the elite Falador achievement diary
- Complete the elite Fremennik achievement diary
- Complete the elite Karamja achievement diary
- Complete the elite Morytania achievement diary
- Complete the elite New Varrock achievement diary
- Complete the elite Seers' Village achievement diary
- Complete the elite Tirannwn achievement diary
- Complete the elite Varrock achievement diary
- Complete the elite Wilderness achievement diary
- Complete the entirety of the General section in your Slayer collection log
- Complete the fifth Doric task