Category:Tasks in Legendary tier
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This category contains pages about tasks that are in the Legendary tier.
Pages in category "Tasks in Legendary tier"
The following 170 pages are in this category, out of 170 total.
- Complete a total of 120 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 140 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 160 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 180 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete a total of 200 city quests in Menaphos
- Complete every single floor in Daemonheim on Hard Mode
- Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the 24th time
- Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the 26th time
- Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the 28th time
- Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the 30th time
- Complete the Statue of Rhiannon in the Tower of Voices for the final time
- Congratulations! You've unlocked the Legendary tier perk - Living on a prayer (reMASTERED)
- Contain Raksha's inner power
- Create and fill a Blessed flask
- Deal 2,475 damage to an ore rock in a single swing
- Defeat a fully anima stuffed Telos on atleast 100% enrage
- Defeat Araxxor and Araxxi whilst wearing full bronze armour and a bronze weapon
- Defeat General Graardor using only your fists
- Defeat hard mode Kerapac without ever jumping into your echo's time thread
- Defeat Nex without using any Prayers
- Defeat Telos while taking the full damage of the virus in the fifth phase
- Defeat the Ambassador after coming into close contact with his unstable black hole four times
- Obtain a unique from either The Chaos Elemental or Revenants
- Obtain a unique from Implings
- Obtain a unique from Solak
- Obtain a unique from the Dungeoneering reward shop
- Obtain a unique from the Legios
- Obtain a unique item which has its drop-rate improved on Slayer assignments
- Obtain a unique Jewellery from the Dungeoneering reward shops
- Obtain a unique Permanent unlock from the Dungeoneering reward shops
- Obtain a unique piece of Gear from the Dungeoneering reward shops
- Obtain an Abomination cape
- Obtain Swordy McSwordFace
- Obtain the 12th pair of Replica statue pieces for the Statue of Dahmaroc, and add them to a plinth in the study of your Player-owned House
- Obtain the 13th pair of Replica statue pieces for the Statue of Dahmaroc, and add them to a plinth in the study of your Player-owned House
- Obtain the 14th pair of Replica statue pieces for the Statue of Dahmaroc, and add them to a plinth in the study of your Player-owned House
- Obtain the 15th and final pair of Replica statue pieces for the Statue of Dahmaroc, and add them to a plinth in the study of your Player-owned House
- Obtain the Vecna skull
- Reach the 200 million experience milestone in the Archaeology skill
- Reach the 200 million experience milestone in the Farming skill
- Reach the 200 million experience milestone in the Herblore skill
- Reach the 200 million experience milestone in the Invention skill
- Reach the 200 million experience milestone in the Slayer skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Agility skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Attack skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Constitution skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Construction skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Cooking skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Crafting skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Defence skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Divination skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Firemaking skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Fishing skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Fletching skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Hunter skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Magic skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Mining skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Prayer skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Ranged skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Runecrafting skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Smithing skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Strength skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Summoning skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Thieving skill
- Reach the halfway mark (113) in the Woodcutting skill
- Recover back-ups for 50 memory-storage bots in the Hall of Memories
- Register a total of 10 unique items in the Vorago section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 100 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 101 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 102 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 103 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 104 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 11 unique items in the Araxxi section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 11 unique items in the Rex Matriarchs section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'the Ferocious' title
- Register a total of 12 unique items in the Araxxi section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 13 unique items in the Araxxi section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 14 unique items in the Araxxi section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 15 unique items in the Araxxi section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'the Araxyte' title
- Register a total of 19 unique items in the Nex section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 2 Dragon Rider kits in the Morytania section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of 2 Kethsi outfit scrolls in the Other Worlds section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of 20 unique items in the Nex section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 21 unique items in the Nex section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'Tenacity of Zarytes' title
- Register a total of 3 Kethsi outfit scrolls in the Other Worlds section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of 35 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 36 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 37 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 38 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 39 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 4 unique items in the Solak section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 4 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 40 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 41 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 42 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 43 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 44 unique items in the master tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Nex Angel of Death section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Raksha, the Shadow Colossus section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Solak section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Telos section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 5 unique items in the Vorago section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 55 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 56 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 57 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 58 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 59 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 6 unique items in the Nex Angel of Death section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 6 unique items in the Raksha, the Shadow Colossus section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 6 unique items in the Telos section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 6 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 6 unique items in the Vorago section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 60 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 61 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 62 unique items in the elite tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 7 unique items in the Kalphite King section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 7 unique items in the Raksha, the Shadow Colossus section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 7 unique items in the Telos section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 7 unique items in the Tzkal-Zuk section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'TzKal-' title
- Register a total of 7 unique items in the Vorago section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 8 unique items in the Kalphite King section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'the Kingslayer' title
- Register a total of 8 unique items in the Magister section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'of the Crossing' title
- Register a total of 8 unique items in the Raksha, the Shadow Colossus section of your Boss collection log and unlock the 'the Shackled' title
- Register a total of 8 unique items in the Vorago section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 9 unique items in the Vorago section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of 95 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 96 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 97 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 98 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of 99 unique items in the hard tier of your Treasure Trail collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Arch-Glacor section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Corporeal beast section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Daemonheim section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Dragonkin Laboratory section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Karamja section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Kerapac section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Legiones section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Lost Lands and Dungeons section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Other Worlds section of your Slayer collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Shadow Reef section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Solak section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Temple of Aminishi section of your Boss collection log
- Register a total of X unique items in the Wilderness section of your Slayer collection log
- Unlock Geffy
- Unlock Jeffy
- Unlock Leffy
- Unlock rank 1 Esteem
- Unlock Seffy
- Unlock the 'Expert Baiter' title
- Unlock the 'Very Good Baiter' title
- Unlock the Aetherium Outfit at the Artisans' Workshop
- Unlock the Ceremonial Sword Orders at the Artisans' Workshop
- Unlock the Champion's tacklebox
- Unlock the Invictum Outfit at the Artisans' Workshop
- Unlock the Necturion Outfit at the Artisans' Workshop
- Upgrade Richie to his yellow bowtie