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== Preface ==
'''Note:''' These rules may not be up to date. If in doubt, please visit [https://taskman.rs/rules the official rules page].
Taskman mode can be played in two variations:
== Rules ==
# Taskman
THE WIKI IS OUT OF DATE. PLEASE VISIT https://taskman.rs/rules
# Taskmain
Whether you are a Taskman or Taskmain is determined primarily by the Runescape account you are using for the mode:
* '''Taskman''' is a fresh Ironman or Hardcore Ironman created specifically for the purpose of following the game mode's rules;
Welcome to the Taskman ruleset.
* '''Taskmain''' is for any other account (ie. an existing main or iron account)
There is one key difference between the two modes in terms of website functionality - taskmains are free to remove a completion mark from any of their tasks at any time.
This page is relevant for you if you intend to play a Taskman. A Taskman is a freshly created ironman account whose progression is dictated entirely by the task on their dashboard. You can select your account type (Taskman vs. TaskMAIN) by expanding the menu in the top right of this page and selecting “settings”.
At any time, a Taskman can convert themselves into a Taskmain via the Settings page on the website - however, this is a permanent change, so be careful when exercising it.
This page is intended as an encyclopedia, not a novel. You are not expected to immediately memorise it all, but please refer back to it and use your browser's search to find specific key words!
''Note that, from this point forward, none of the rules and unlocks below apply to Taskmains.''
The Taskman Admins reserve the right to revoke the Taskman status after fair warning, if a Taskman does not follow the rules, or plays against the intended spirit of the mode by exploiting potential loopholes.
== Rules of the Challenge ==
=== §0 Have Fun ===
=== <span id="rule1"></span>1. Efficiency ===
Any attempt to encourage lack of fun, or suggest that fun is in some way inferior to efficiency, will be met by somewhat deadly force.
{{RuleHeader|You must complete your task in an efficient manner.}}
Enjoy the game within these rules, and allow others to do the same.
This does not mean you have to take the path of least resistance, but it allows you to choose between options rather than always going for the most efficient.
=== <span id="rule2"></span>2. Active Task and Training Methods ===
=== §1 Active Tasks ===
{{RuleHeader|You can only actively work towards the task shown on your Dashboard (current task). All training activities are allowed for progression on your task, but if it's easily manageable, avoid doing activities that can complete other tasks.}}
When working on your active task and other activities…
Activities that can yield task-related items with a drop rate of 1/2500 or rarer can still be done. These include but are not limited to Big fish, Champion scrolls, Slayer creature heads. Some tasks in the Passive tier may be worked on at all times. See [[#rule3|rule #3]] below for more information.
Training methods also include D&Ds as long as you have the activity unlocked. Seasonal events fall within this category, too. When you haven't unlocked an activity, and would need to quest, gain levels (in other skills than one benefitting your current task) or get other requirements before you could use it, it is off-limits. Doing quests for their experience rewards is not allowed, as the vast majority of quests are either required for tasks, or tasks in their own right.
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You are not allowed to work towards uncompleted (active) tasks, if it can be avoided.</li>
<li>Avoid gaining experience in skills unless it’s necessary to progress your task.</li>
<li>Do not go out of your way to obtain items other than those that benefit your active task.</li>
<li>You are allowed to (re)complete previously fully completed tiers at will, when new tasks are added.</li>
<li>You are allowed to buy skill mastery capes (and mark their tasks as complete) as soon as you achieve level 99 or 120 in a skill.</li>
<li>Utilizing boosting services through any means is strictly prohibited.</li>
==== <span id="rule2a"></span>2a. Activities with Reputation or Alternate Currencies ====
=== §2 Valid training methods ===
When choosing a method or activity for your active task…
{{RuleHeader|It is allowed to use activities with reputation systems or alternate currencies as a training method even if the reputation or currency is not the primary goal. The gained reputation or currency does not have to be discarded; however, rewards that can be bought with the reputation or currency that are also tasks may not be completed as an "accident".}}
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
It is allowed to freely use the gained reputation or currency for purchasing consumables, such as Slayer VIP tickets from Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza.
<li>You must use methods that you already have access to, or that do not require you to level skills above the softcaps of your current tier. Softcaps, and a proper definition of them, can be found at the bottom of the page.<sub>[[#def5|[5]]]</sub></li>
<li>You are allowed to use any method granting only experience in your task-related skill(s), unless a specific method(s) is stated in the tasks description.</li>
<li>Methods/activities which have tasks requiring you to obtain uniques from them must be avoided, unless the uniques you have left from the activity are pet items, items on the General section of the Slayer collection log or have a base drop-rate of 1/2000 or rarer.</li>
<li>Items that are required for supply tasks<sub>[[#def1|[1]]]</sub> may be created, and the relevant tasks marked complete, if creating the item benefits your active task.</li>
<li>Activities which may incidentally complete an active task or an achievement can be used.</li>
<li>Activities rewarding you with currencies/reputation, which can be spent in a reward shop or award consumables only, can be utilised. You may keep the currency for later tasks. If you use it off-task, it must be spent on non-task items or items previously obtained.</li>
<li>Bonus experience, whether in the form of items or Fort Forinthry bonuses can be applied to any skill. Any other items that increase your total experience gain by 10% or more (such as Brawling gloves), may not be used if your task does not require experience, unless said items actively benefit your task. All boosts are allowed for Farming and Prayer experience.</li>
<li>You may not use Nastroth to block experience in skills or make use of minor or major skill resets.</li>
If the consumable is locked behind a task, such as the ancient seed from Herby Werby or the teleport scroll and slayer contract from Shattered Worlds, it may be freely obtained after the associated task has been rolled and completed.
==== §2.1 Combat ====
Combat skills in the Taskman mode refers only to the Attack, Strength, Ranged, Magic, Constitution and Defence Skills.
This ruling includes, but is not limited to, the following reputations or currencies:
During activities, in which you are required to engage in combat, you may...
* Artisan's Workshop respect
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
* RuneSpan points
<li>Utilise any "Combat skill" including ones that are already past the softcap of your tier.</li>
* Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza renown
<li>Train personally preferred "Combat skills" up to level 30, if you fail to kill relevant monsters or quest bosses for your active task.</li>
* Fish Flingers points and tokens
<li>Utilise combat assisting tools including, but not limited to, the (Attuned) ectoplasmator, bonecrusher, seedicide, herbicide, charming imp, spring cleaner and the sunspear.</li>
* Shattered Worlds anima
* Herby Werby Spirit pints
* Heart of Gielinor faction reputation
* Player-Owned Farm beans
* Dungeoneering tokens
* Slayer points
* Chronotes
=== <span id="rule3"></span>3. The Passive Tier ===
=== §3 Progression between tiers ===
The passive tier consists primarily of two major categories: tasks centred around minigames, and tasks centred around Distractions and Diversions, as well as events that occur infrequently or erratically.
To progress from one tier (difficulty) of tasks to another…
The main distinguishing point of the two sections is availability - minigames are always available, Distractions and Diversions generally are not.
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You must first complete all tasks within your current tier.</li>
<li>A number of passive tasks must also be completed…
* 25 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Beginner to Easy.
* 70 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Easy to Medium.
* 130 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Medium to Hard.
* 245 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Hard to Elite.
* 400 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Elite to Master.
* 565 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Master to Legendary.
* 670 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Legendary to God.
<li>A number of group PvM unique tasks must be completed, starting from the Hard tier…
* 10/12 Hard tier group PvM tasks are required to progress from Hard to Elite.
* 30/35 Elite tier group PvM tasks and all Hard tier tasks are required to progress from Elite to Master.
* 45/53 Master tier group PvM tasks and all Elite tier tasks are required to progress from Master to Legendary.
Some minigames and Distractions and Diversions are tasks in their own right, and do not fall into the Passive tier.
==== §3.1 Passive tasks ====
==== <span id="rule3a"></span>3a. Minigames ====
When working on passive tasks…
{{RuleHeader|Passive tasks that involve activities that do not give experience can be completed at any time.}}
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
If a minigame gives experience, and is the only way to complete a passive task (e.g. Herby Werby uniques), it can only be done when your current task would directly benefit from the experience gained.  
<li>Minigames and D&Ds awarding no experience, or solely experience in combat, can be participated in whenever.</li>
<li>Minigames or D&Ds awarding experience in skills other than combat can be participated in if you need the experience for your active task, or if you can avoid gaining the experience.</li>
<li>You are allowed to assemble any item you have obtained the necessary skill levels, components and materials for throughout your Taskman journey.</li>
Combat experience is freely available under [[#rule12|rule #12]] below, which means you're allowed to participate in minigames that give combat experience freely (for example Pest Control, Soul Wars and Castle Wars).
==== §3.2 Group PvM requirements ====
==== <span id="rule3b"></span>3b. Distractions and Diversions ====
Newly added group PvM bosses will have a month-long grace period during which uniques from the new boss are not required to progress. Uniques obtained from a new boss during this period will still count towards your total.
{{RuleHeader|Passive tasks that involve Distractions and Diversions can be completed only if at least one of the skills they give experience in is beneficial to your active task.}}
===== §3.2.1 Group encounters =====
God statues are a special case - if you require them for Construction experience, you may not then subsequently pray at them for Prayer or Slayer experience.
Bear in mind that Farming is not considered for this due to [[#rule8|rule #8]], so the Giant Oyster is limited to tasks requiring Fishing experience or clue uniques.
Taskman mode considers some tasks in the following to be group encounters<sub>[[#def2|[2]]]: Liberation of Mazcab, Elite Dungeons 1-4, Nex, Kerapac, Kalphite King, Barrows: Rise of the Six, Nex - Angel of Death, Raksha - the Shadow Colossus, Vorago, Solak, Croesus and Araxxi. Tasks considered to be group encounters are stated as being so in the task description. Group encounters…
Distractions and Diversions that give no experience are freely available, under [[#rule3a|rule #3a]] above.
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Can be attempted as soon as you enter a new tier, and as long as you have tasks remaining (unique drops or achievements) from the encounter in your tier or lower tiers.</li>
<li>Must be abandoned on expiry of an instance if you finish your last task for that encounter in your active tier and all lower tiers.</li>
<li>Have no gear, Herblore, Prayer or Summoning restrictions regardless of who you are in a group with.</li>
<li>Are subject to the Placeholder system<sub>[[#def3|[3]]].</li>
<li>Attempted solo must be abandoned as soon as you have no tasks remaining for the encounter in your tier and lower tiers.</li>
==== <span id="rule3c"></span>3c. Raids ====
===== §3.2.2 Arch-Glacor =====
{{RuleHeader|Passive tasks involving Raids can be completed at any time, regardless of whether the experience gained is useful for your current active task.}}
Note that attending Raids is still subject to the limitations imposed by [[#rule5|rule #5]] below.
==== <span id="rule3d"></span>3d. Progressing between Tiers ====
While Arch-Glacor is subject to the placeholder system in the Master tier due to components for its uniques having Group PvM requirements, it is not itself a group boss. The only group encounter rule the Arch-Glacor adheres to, is §5.1 d, meaning it may only be fought for the purposes of obtaining uniques when required to by your active task.
{{RuleHeader|To progress between the active tiers, a set number of passive tasks must be completed during the tier.}}
===== §3.2.3 Araxxi =====
The total number of passive tasks needed for progression to each tier:
* Easy: 5
While Araxxi is generally considered a solo-encounter, the time-gated nature of its enrage mechanic entitles it to be subject to §3.2.1, sections a-d.
* Medium: 15
* Hard: 30
* Elite: 60
* Master: 120
* Legendary: 200
* God: 300
If you happen to reach 100% completion of a tier without completing enough passive tasks, you may only complete passives that do not provide experience to close the gap, as you have no active task that an experience-granting passive can contribute to.
===== §3.2.4 Admin-approved group encounter events =====
=== <span id="rule4"></span>4. Time-Gated Tasks ===
You are allowed to participate in admin-approved group PvM encounters whenever they take place if...
{{RuleHeader|If you run into a time-gated task, you are allowed to mark your task complete, when all other steps required for completion are done.}}
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
When your time-gate is opened and you officially complete your task, post a picture in #pictureproof on Discord.
<li>The boss is available in your highest unlocked tier and either</li>
<li>You have uniques left for the boss in your tier or</li>
<li>You are at at least 90% completion of your current tier, regardless of whether you have tasks left in your tier.</li>
The tasks currently considered time-gated are the following:
=== §4 Non-group encounters with other players ===
* Brewing Cider for the Seers' Village Easy diary;
* Growing a cat to adulthood for the Ardougne Easy diary;
* Growing trees required for several Falador diaries;
=== <span id="rule5"></span>5. Group PvM Activities ===
Taskman mode considers all PVM encounters not listed in §3.2.1 to be non-group encounters. Lootshare is allowed. In order to attempt non-group encounters, you must have the encounter for your active task or otherwise be allowed to kill the boss. If you are grouping, you may…
{{RuleHeader|You are allowed to do PvM content with other players, but if you're going with other Taskmen, they have to be in the same tier as yourself.}}
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
If you're going with non-taskmen, their weapon tier, and Prayer and Herblore benefits should reflect yours (within 5 levels).  
<li>No longer continue the grouping upon completion of your task.</li>
<li>Group without gear restrictions, if your partner(s) is a Taskman in the same tier as yourself.</li>
<li>Only do so with a non-Taskman account or a Taskman in a different tier than yourself, if weapon and armour tier, as well as any Herblore, Prayer or Summoning benefits are within 5 levels of the participating Taskman with the lowest levels.</li>
If you need a tip or words of advice on your task, let us know on Discord in #help.
=== §5 Special tasks in the active tiers ===
=== <span id="rule6"></span>6. Experience Rewards from Quests ===
Some tasks in the active tiers are not your average tasks. Therefore…
{{RuleHeader|Experience lamps from quests and achievement diaries are fair game, but they must be used instantly upon completion of the quest or diary; you cannot train a skill to get the level required to use the lamp.}}
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
If you cannot use a skill lamp because none of your skills are high enough level, you must keep it with you and continue to task normally, and use it on the first skill that reaches the required level. If you need to perform an activity that requires an empty inventory (dungeoneering, for example), you must destroy and reclaim the lamp as soon as that task is complete, even if you still lack the skill levels required to use it.
<li>If an active task has a time-gate (real-life time must pass), you have to complete as much of the task as you can. If you still cannot proceed, you are allowed to mark the task complete. You must return to and finish it as soon as possible.</li>
=== <span id="rule7"></span>7. Shop or Drop ===
=== §6 Item acquisition ===
{{RuleHeader|If an item featured in a collection log can be obtained from both shops or drops, it must always be gotten as a drop, and thus registered in the corresponding collection log, in order to be marked complete.}}
When obtaining an item which is required for your active task, if…
A number of items fall under this ruling, most notably the Dragon 2h sword, which is dropped by a few bosses in Medium tier and also purchasable from Zanaris.
You are still free to purchase such items for personal use, but doing so will not count towards the completion of the task.
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>The task specifically states where or how to obtain an item, do that.</li>
<li>It is in stock in a store you already have access to, buy it.</li>
<li>It cannot be bought, choose a method adhering to §2, c. You may choose to level up skills, if the required item can be obtained within the softcap<sub>[[#def5|[5]]]</sub> for the skills in your tier.</li>
=== <span id="rule8"></span>8. Farming and the Player-owned Farm (PoF) ===
As a general note - if the obvious (skilling) route for an item is above the softcap of the tier, another method exists that can be used within the rules!
{{RuleHeader|Training Farming in any variation is regarded as a passive activity due to the nature of the skill, and is thus allowed at all times.}}
==== §6.1 Creation of beneficial consumable items and tools ====
This means that tree and herb runs can be completed at will.
Animals on the PoF that can be bought from Granny Potterington can be used when you have the level for them, but their pens cannot be built until you roll a task requiring it.
When your activities would benefit from a consumable item or tool you do not currently possess…
=== <span id="rule9"></span>9. Slayer Grinds ===
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You are allowed to create them, provided you have the raw or processed materials for them already banked.</li>
<li>You cannot gather items unless in accordance with §1, b.</li>
<li>You may create the minimum you estimate your task to require.</li>
{{RuleHeader|When your active task requires you to level up Slayer, [[#rule2|rule #2 “Only actively work towards your active task [...]”]], can be ignored.}}
==== §6.2 Items previously obtained for task completions ====
You are allowed to do any assignment from any Slayer master available to you, even if that means you’ll be killing monsters you have not yet obtained the uniques from.
Doing Reaper assignments for their Slayer experience reward is allowed when you need the experience for your active task. However, you are not allowed to kill boss-versions of your Slayer assignment.
When an item would benefit your activities, you may, provided you have the relevant currency or materials, recreate or re-obtain items that you have previously been required to create or obtain.
==== <span id="rule9a"></span>9a. Drop rates boosted by Slayer tasks ====
==== §6.3 Minigame & D&D items ====
{{RuleHeader|When your active task requires a unique that is only dropped while on a Slayer assignment for the creature, or gets a significant drop-rate increase by it, you must try to be assigned the creature by skipping other assignments whenever you can.}}
When purchasing from a minigame or D&D reward shop, you may, provided you have the relevant currency, freely purchase items that have no active tasks.
A reserve of 100 points to prefer the creature should be kept.
Tasks that fall under this ruling are, among others: Strykewyrms, Vileblooms, Dinosaurs, Abyssal demons, Sophanem Slayer creatures, Creatures of the Grove.
You may not sell purchased items to a reward shop once their respective task (if any) has been marked as completed.
=== <span id="rule10"></span>10. Supply Tasks ===
=== §7 Quests and experience rewards ===
{{RuleHeader|You may create enough potions, pouches and food to last up to an hour progressing your active task, if those supplies are relevant to your active task and you do not currently have them available.}}
You can only start a quest or miniquest when it is required for your active task. While questing…
Supply tasks are intended to provide a baseline of supplies for later tasks, but often do not provide enough supplies for grinds in later tiers.
This ruling supplements those tasks by allowing Taskmen to stock up if supplies run low. The caveat that you need to already be out of supplies ensures that supplies made during a supply task must be used first.
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You are allowed to finish any quest your task has forced you to start.</li>
<li>Post-quest lamps and other experience rewards from your tasks, can be used on any skill for which you have the appropriate level, or saved for later if possible (or desirable).</li>
<li>Treat each subquest of special quests - Recipe for Disaster and Dimension of Disaster - as its own quest.</li>
This means that you may prepare food and potions for combat-related tasks, and Summoning pouches for tasks that would benefit from the use of specific familiars.
=== §8 Clue scrolls ===
=== <span id="rule11"></span>11. Invention and Invention Supply Tasks ===
When your active task requires you to obtain treasure trail uniques, you are allowed to...
{{RuleHeader|After the completion of the last Invention task in the Hard tier, which is building an auto-disassembler, you are allowed to train Invention freely, but only with the means unlocked.}}
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
Invention tasks in later tiers require the discovery of blueprints and unlocking certain devices - these are off-limits until the task has been completed.  
<li>Train skills up to their softcap<sub>[[#def5|[5]]]</sub> in your tier, if this allows you to complete the step.</li>
<li>Complete quests.</li>
<li>Gather items as required for the clue steps you roll.</li>
Any blueprints/devices NOT covered by tasks, are good to go when you meet the level requirement.
And may not...
<!-- TODO: List of blueprints that are required for tasks -->
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
=== <span id="rule12"></span>12. Combat Skills ===
<li>Reroll the loot of any clue if a master clue is part of that loot.</li>
<li>Downgrade master clues into any other tier clue.</li>
{{RuleHeader|Experience may be gained in the six core combat skills at any time.}}
==== §8.1 Easy clues ====
The six core combat skills are Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Magic and Constitution. Prayer and Summoning cannot be trained off-task.
The creation and usage of Summoning pouches is already covered under [[#rule10|rule #10]] above.
If you need flowers for Easy clues, you are allowed to complete the Waterfall Quest. If the 40 mithril seeds are insufficient for the colour of flower you need, you are out of luck until you reach the medium tier.
If your current task is combat-related, you may bury bones or scatter ashes dropped, or keep them in reserve for Prayer-related tasks.
==== §8.2 Master clues ====
== Unlocks ==
===== §8.2.1 Master clue emote steps =====
For Master clue emote steps, if…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You are missing an item that is obtained from other-task-completing activities, you get one shot at the item each time you roll the step. You may do the other-task-completing activity, until you have received ONE unique from it. Downgrade or re-roll the clue if you do not get the item you’re looking for.</li>
<li>An item would fill both a Player Owned House slot and a hidey hole but you are not in possession of a second one, you get ONE shot at a duplicate as in a.</li>
===== §8.2.2 Running out of Master clue scrolls =====
When you are out of Master clues during a Master clue unique task, you may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Complete the Archaeology collections Urns of the Empire OR Green Gobbo Goodies I for tetracompass pieces. These compasses may be repaired and opened for clues.</li>
<li>Open other types of clue scrolls if adhering to §2, c.</li>
=== §9 Regarding specific skills ===
The following sections contain rulings on specific skills.
==== §9.1 Agility ====
You are allowed to use shortcuts and segments of Agility courses if they allow you to get to your point of interest faster.
==== §9.2 Archaeology ====
===== §9.2.1 Experience and chronotes =====
When doing an Archaeology task that requires experience or chronotes, you may…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Excavate and restore any artefacts, as well as gather and create their secondary non-archaeology ingredients, if applicable.</li>
<li>Complete mysteries.</li>
<li>Hand in any collection you complete.</li>
<li>Only offer relic items to the monolith on an appropriate task.</li>
===== §9.2.2 Achievements =====
When working on Archaeology tasks that do not require experience or chronotes, you should aim to reduce experience gain where possible, including prioritising excavating and restoring low level artefacts from scratch over restoring higher level items. You may…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Excavate and restore any artefact(s) your task specifically asks for.</li>
<li>Excavate and restore artefacts from the Venator remains excavation hotspot to further your Discoverer and Restorer achievements.</li>
==== §9.3 Construction ====
When your active task requires Construction experience...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You may turn any type of log in your possession into planks.</li>
<li>Provided you have already exhausted all logs/planks of that type in your possession, you may chop any type of log you have the Construction level to process.</li>
==== §9.4 Cooking ====
There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.
==== §9.5 Crafting ====
When your active task requires Crafting experience, you may…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Mine and cut gems from gem rocks despite receiving Mining experience</li>
<li>Play and repair the harps in the Ithell district of Prifddinas, despite receiving Construction experience.</li>
Crystal keys may be assembled whenever.
==== §9.6 Divination ====
There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.
==== §9.7 Dungeoneering ====
===== §9.7.1 Training in Daemonheim =====
When training Dungeoneering in the depths of Daemonheim, you may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Open as many doors as possible regardless of experience received in skills other than Dungeoneering in doing so.</li>
<li>Gather and process items that would immediately speed up your Dungeoneering training or are otherwise required for completing your dungeon/task.</li>
<li>Only group with Taskmen in the same tier or players whose Dungeoneering levels correspond to your own<sub>[[#def4|[4]]]</sub>. Medium tier taskmen and above may group with anyone.</li>
<li>Collect any journal entry, Fremennik Saga items or Elven unreadable pages found, during your activities.</li>
===== §9.7.2 Obtaining Dungeoneering tokens =====
When you are obtaining Dungeoneering tokens, you may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>use both the Depths of Daemonheim and the Elite Dungeons (if it can be done in accordance with §2, c).</li>
<li>group for Elite Dungeons with other players in your tier, or if your gear, Herblore, Prayer and Summoning benefits are within 5 levels of each other.</li>
<li>use lucky charms in Elite Dungeons, if the uniques you have left have a drop rate of 1/2000 or rarer (refer to §2, c).</li>
==== §9.8 Farming ====
The Farming skill is considered a passive skill. Therefore, earning Farming experience is allowed whenever. You may utilise any seeds you have the Farming level to plant, even if the seed yields experience in skills other than Farming, unless doing so would conflict with §1, a).
===== §9.8.1 The Player-owned Farm(s) =====
The tutorial for the Player-owned Farm as well as all pens for both farms have active tasks. The farms can be utilised to the extent you have completed these tasks. You may…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Buy the deeds of any pen to unlock its associated animals.</li>
<li>Consider the Player-owned Farm (and Ranch out of Time) animals a pet-item when deciding on a method for your active task (see §2, c).</li>
<li>Use any animal as soon as you obtain them.</li>
==== §9.9 Firemaking ====
When your active task requires Firemaking experience...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You may burn any type of log in your possession.</li>
<li>Provided you have already exhausted all logs of that type in your possession, you may chop any type of log you have the Firemaking level to burn.</li>
==== §9.10 Fishing ====
Fish can be caught when...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Your active task requires Cooking experience</li>
<li>You are out of relevant food for PvM. Your Cooking unlock determines the amount you are allowed to fish.</li>
==== §9.11 Fletching ====
When your active task requires Fletching experience...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>You may fletch any type of log in your possession.</li>
<li>Provided you have already exhausted all logs of that type in your possession, you may chop any type of log you have the Fletching level to process.</li>
==== §9.12 Herblore ====
When your active task requires Herblore experience, or you are making potions according to an unlock, you may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Kill monsters for seeds, herbs and secondaries in accordance with §2, c.</li>
<li>Obtain, craft and create secondaries</li>
==== §9.13 Hunter ====
There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.
==== §9.14 Magic ====
You are allowed to cast any spell whenever doing so is beneficial to your activities.
==== §9.15 Necromancy ====
There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, as it does not yet exist.
==== §9.16 Prayer ====
You are allowed to use bones and ashes for Prayer experience whenever you see fit, however you see fit. You may also freely hand in daily challenges for Prayer.
==== §9.17 Runecrafting ====
If your active task requires runes, and regular currency shops are out of stock, or do not sell the runes you need, you are allowed to Runecraft them, assuming you have the level and essence to do so.
==== §9.18 Slayer ====
===== §9.18.1 Slayer log uniques =====
When you roll a task to "Register a total of X unique item(s) in the [Area] section of your Slayer collection log", you may…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Go for any unique item in the dropdown of the task that is not locked by quests.</li>
<li>Level up Slayer high enough to access ANY unique in the dropdown.</li>
<li>Attempt to obtain any unique with a Slayer skill icon next to them, by completing Slayer assignments (see §9.11.2 to determine viable assignments).</li>
You MUST complete any assignment that can complete your task, regardless of other possible uniques.
===== §9.18.2 Viable assignments =====
When you are doing Slayer assignments to level up, obtain on-assignment uniques, or working on a task requiring Slayer points, you can do any assignment...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Awarding unique items found in the dropdown of your task. These must be done.</li>
<li>That cannot award unowned unique items, lore books and pages, unless in adherence with §2, c), or forced by §9.11.2, a).</li>
<li>With a boss-version if your task requires Slayer experience and one of the following is true:
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-roman">
<li>The boss can be killed in adherence with §2</li>
<li>You have an open group PvM placeholder for it</li>
<li>Including special Slayer assignments, if this can be achieved in adherence with §2, c.</li>
Any assignment not in adherence with this must be skipped. This can be done using either Slayer points or skipping tasks with Turael or Spria, but it must be done.
===== §9.18.3 Toggling Slayer monsters =====
You are allowed to toggle the option to be assigned Aquanites, Glacors, Muspahs, Nihils, Tormented demons and Nightmare creatures as Slayer assignments whenever you have the points.
===== §9.18.4 Capturing souls =====
When you are hunting for a soul for a pokedex task, you are not allowed to complete slayer assignments. If you happen to have one for the creature you must obtain a soul from, it must be cancelled.
===== §9.18.5 Use of Reaper assingments =====
Reaper assignments may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Only be completed once you have rolled the appropriate Medium tier unlock, and only for bosses you have unlocked the boss portal in War's retreat for.</li>
<li>Not be completed for bosses that require keys, unless you already own the amount of keys required to finish your reaper.</li>
<li>Not be completed for assignments that award you with 0 reaper points.</li>
<li>Only be completed if kills contribute to your reaper, e.g. DeathTouch Darts can not be used by you.</li>
<li>Not be completed for bosses that do not appear in your current or previous tier(s), even if you have one or more kill count from a Taskman Team-approved event as defined in §3.2.4</li>
==== §9.19 Smithing ====
You are allowed to mine any ores necessary, when your active task requires you to smith an item or obtain Smithing experience. Regarding the Masterwork armour set, once you have completed the task to obtain it, you are allowed to gather and process resources for more glorious bars. These can be used to create new masterwork items, replace pieces of the set that have gone missing and as a one-off for cosmetic spikes for the Custom-fit, trimmed masterwork set.
When Smithing in the Artisans' Workshop you may not complete ceremonial sword orders unless your task is to obtain one, until full completion of the blacksmith's outfit (excluding the helmet addon), since orders have a 1/100 (1/25 for perfect) chance to award a piece (see §2, c).
==== §9.20 Summoning ====
When your active task requires Summoning experience, you may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Kill monsters for charms and tertiaries in accordance with §2, c.</li>
==== §9.21 Thieving ====
There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.
==== §9.22 Woodcutting ====
There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.
==== §9.23 Invention ====
When training Invention for an active task requiring Invention experience, you may...
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Research blueprints.</li>
<li>Level up augmented weapons and armour, and disassemble/siphon these.</li>
<li>Only use methods for Invention training that adhere to §2, c.</li>
===== §9.23.1 Use of Invention =====
Once you unlock Invention, you may…
<ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha">
<li>Use augmented, perked up gear, weapons and tools without any restrictions to their use.</li>
<li>Research, create and use any Invention item you have the levels and materials for.</li>
<li>Only siphon or disassemble Invention items, when your active task requires Invention experience.</li>
== Footnotes ==
<div id="def1">
=== 1. Supply tasks ===
A supply task is a type of task requiring you to obtain a certain amount of a supply - for instance a type of fish, potion or Summoning pouch. They are tasks made specifically for Taskmen and are intended to smooth the training curve for particular skills or grant you useful consumables. While training skills for other tasks, items which are linked to supply tasks are not restricted. If, as a consequence, you already have enough of the required item(s) when you roll the supply task and the level required to make them, it must be automatically completed.
<div id="def2">
=== 2. Group PVM encounters ===
Ultimately, the task admins decide whether an encounter classifies as group or solo. From the hard tier onwards, a boss might (but won't always) be considered a group encounter if:
The boss has no achievements saying: "Can only be completed in a solo instance".
The boss can be faced in a group, but the loot is distributed individually.
The boss has an enrage mechanic that resets with the in-game daily reset.
<div id="def3">
=== 3. Placeholders ===
A placeholder is an artificial system implemented to ensure taskmen can always work on their active task. If you roll a group boss encounter, and cannot find a team at present, you're allowed to select a “Placeholder” in the unique-list, mark the task complete, and return to it later.
<div id="def4">
=== 4. Unlocks ===
Unlocks are tied to completion of (some) tasks. They are intended to smooth your Taskman experience, allowing you to bypass the standard rules. All unlocks are in place to achieve a specific goal, and often have an expiration or limitation in the form of a period of time or a number of actions.
<div id="def5">
=== 5. Softcaps ===
We've used a soft cap on the tiers to determine which content is destined for what tier. What it means is that a certain tier will have mostly content between levels X and levels Y. Not all skills are the same, and thus require different caps. Some tasks and rules may reference the soft caps to guide you towards certain methods and limit others. However, natural progression of skills beyond the caps is quite likely and you are NOT expected to stop using a skill entirely because it exceeds the stated level. You may also make use of any skill unlocks (better potions, food etc.) beyond the caps, provided you do so in accordance with the rest of the rules.
The softcaps can be viewed in the table below.
==== Combat Skills (not including Prayer / Summoning) ====
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Tier
! Completion
! Title
! Description
|May, may I finish it now?
|You are now allowed to finish any quest that you were forced to start for a task, as long as you meet its' requirements. You may not actively train for the quests.
|It is the Staff of Gods!
|You are now allowed to unlock God staves and their special attacks at the Mage Arena, as well as training Magic to 60 for this purpose.
|Going 70 off-road...
|You may now train a skill of your choice to level 70 for the remainder of the Easy tier - this benefit is lost once you advance to Medium tier. You may not actively gather supplies for the skill you choose, if doing so would train other skills that are not unrestricted - this mostly affects Smithing, but also touches Summoning and to a lesser extent Firemaking and Cooking.
|Uncap your clues!
|When you reach or go beyond the soft-cap (25) of any type of clue you've previously had a task for, you can complete those clues until 20 remain in your bank. The caskets may not be opened until you have a clue unique task of the corresponding type.
|Step it up a notch, 80 now.
|You may now train a skill of your choice to level 80 for the remainder of the Medium tier - this benefit is lost once you advance to Hard tier. You may not actively gather supplies for the skill you choose, if doing so would train other skills that are not unrestricted.
|Reap souls everyday!
|Reaper assignments on monsters you have previously generated a task for can now be completed daily.
|Does this thing go to 90?
|You may now train a skill of your choice to level 90 for the remainder of the Hard tier - this benefit is lost once you advance to Elite tier. You may not actively gather supplies for the skill you choose, if doing so would train other skills that are not unrestricted.
|You can now do and hand in your Daily Challenges as you please. Along with this, you are allowed to mine Red and Crystal-flecked sandstone, kill boss-versions of creatures you have a Slayer assignment for and open Ancient Effigies you have the required stats for.
|Better stop on it, 99 now!
|You may now train a skill of your choice to level 99 for the remainder of the Elite tier - this benefit is lost once you advance to Master tier. You may not actively gather supplies for the skill you choose, if doing so would train other skills that are not unrestricted.
==== Regular Skills ====
{| class="wikitable"
==== 120 Skills ====
{| class="wikitable"
==== Elite Skills ====
{| class="wikitable"
|Max? Never heard of him.
|You may now level all of your skills to 99 and purchase the Max cape.
== Notes ==
In some cases, the wording of these rules may differ from the website for reasons of readability. The website's word is final if there is any material differences between the two.
== History ==
== History ==
{{UE|20 May 2020|
{{UE|17th May 2023|* Re-aligned rules with the Taskman site (again).}}
* Added Chronotes to the list of currencies in rule 2a
{{UE|25th January 2021|* Added section on Invention specific rulings.}}
{{UE|1st January 2021|* Once again re-synchronised rules from the Taskman website.}}
{{UE|19 May 2020|
{{UE|16th November 2020|* Re-synchronised with rule changes from the Taskman site.}}
* Consolidated the existing rules 10, 11, and 12 concerning supply tasks into a single rule 10.
{{UE|24th June 2020|* Rules page brought back into alignment with the Taskman site.}}
* Added a rule 12 clarifying the availability of combat experience.
* Additional clarifications added to rules 3d, 6 and 7.  

Latest revision as of 06:44, 5 August 2024

Note: These rules may not be up to date. If in doubt, please visit the official rules page.



THE WIKI IS OUT OF DATE. PLEASE VISIT https://taskman.rs/rules

Welcome to the Taskman ruleset.

This page is relevant for you if you intend to play a Taskman. A Taskman is a freshly created ironman account whose progression is dictated entirely by the task on their dashboard. You can select your account type (Taskman vs. TaskMAIN) by expanding the menu in the top right of this page and selecting “settings”.

This page is intended as an encyclopedia, not a novel. You are not expected to immediately memorise it all, but please refer back to it and use your browser's search to find specific key words!

The Taskman Admins reserve the right to revoke the Taskman status after fair warning, if a Taskman does not follow the rules, or plays against the intended spirit of the mode by exploiting potential loopholes.

§0 Have Fun[edit]

Any attempt to encourage lack of fun, or suggest that fun is in some way inferior to efficiency, will be met by somewhat deadly force.

Enjoy the game within these rules, and allow others to do the same.

§1 Active Tasks[edit]

When working on your active task and other activities…

  1. You are not allowed to work towards uncompleted (active) tasks, if it can be avoided.
  2. Avoid gaining experience in skills unless it’s necessary to progress your task.
  3. Do not go out of your way to obtain items other than those that benefit your active task.
  4. You are allowed to (re)complete previously fully completed tiers at will, when new tasks are added.
  5. You are allowed to buy skill mastery capes (and mark their tasks as complete) as soon as you achieve level 99 or 120 in a skill.
  6. Utilizing boosting services through any means is strictly prohibited.

§2 Valid training methods[edit]

When choosing a method or activity for your active task…

  1. You must use methods that you already have access to, or that do not require you to level skills above the softcaps of your current tier. Softcaps, and a proper definition of them, can be found at the bottom of the page.[5]
  2. You are allowed to use any method granting only experience in your task-related skill(s), unless a specific method(s) is stated in the tasks description.
  3. Methods/activities which have tasks requiring you to obtain uniques from them must be avoided, unless the uniques you have left from the activity are pet items, items on the General section of the Slayer collection log or have a base drop-rate of 1/2000 or rarer.
  4. Items that are required for supply tasks[1] may be created, and the relevant tasks marked complete, if creating the item benefits your active task.
  5. Activities which may incidentally complete an active task or an achievement can be used.
  6. Activities rewarding you with currencies/reputation, which can be spent in a reward shop or award consumables only, can be utilised. You may keep the currency for later tasks. If you use it off-task, it must be spent on non-task items or items previously obtained.
  7. Bonus experience, whether in the form of items or Fort Forinthry bonuses can be applied to any skill. Any other items that increase your total experience gain by 10% or more (such as Brawling gloves), may not be used if your task does not require experience, unless said items actively benefit your task. All boosts are allowed for Farming and Prayer experience.
  8. You may not use Nastroth to block experience in skills or make use of minor or major skill resets.

§2.1 Combat[edit]

Combat skills in the Taskman mode refers only to the Attack, Strength, Ranged, Magic, Constitution and Defence Skills.

During activities, in which you are required to engage in combat, you may...

  1. Utilise any "Combat skill" including ones that are already past the softcap of your tier.
  2. Train personally preferred "Combat skills" up to level 30, if you fail to kill relevant monsters or quest bosses for your active task.
  3. Utilise combat assisting tools including, but not limited to, the (Attuned) ectoplasmator, bonecrusher, seedicide, herbicide, charming imp, spring cleaner and the sunspear.

§3 Progression between tiers[edit]

To progress from one tier (difficulty) of tasks to another…

  1. You must first complete all tasks within your current tier.
  2. A number of passive tasks must also be completed…
    • 25 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Beginner to Easy.
    • 70 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Easy to Medium.
    • 130 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Medium to Hard.
    • 245 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Hard to Elite.
    • 400 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Elite to Master.
    • 565 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Master to Legendary.
    • 670 passive tasks in total are required to progress from Legendary to God.
  3. A number of group PvM unique tasks must be completed, starting from the Hard tier…
    • 10/12 Hard tier group PvM tasks are required to progress from Hard to Elite.
    • 30/35 Elite tier group PvM tasks and all Hard tier tasks are required to progress from Elite to Master.
    • 45/53 Master tier group PvM tasks and all Elite tier tasks are required to progress from Master to Legendary.

§3.1 Passive tasks[edit]

When working on passive tasks…

  1. Minigames and D&Ds awarding no experience, or solely experience in combat, can be participated in whenever.
  2. Minigames or D&Ds awarding experience in skills other than combat can be participated in if you need the experience for your active task, or if you can avoid gaining the experience.
  3. You are allowed to assemble any item you have obtained the necessary skill levels, components and materials for throughout your Taskman journey.

§3.2 Group PvM requirements[edit]

Newly added group PvM bosses will have a month-long grace period during which uniques from the new boss are not required to progress. Uniques obtained from a new boss during this period will still count towards your total.

§3.2.1 Group encounters[edit]

Taskman mode considers some tasks in the following to be group encounters[2]: Liberation of Mazcab, Elite Dungeons 1-4, Nex, Kerapac, Kalphite King, Barrows: Rise of the Six, Nex - Angel of Death, Raksha - the Shadow Colossus, Vorago, Solak, Croesus and Araxxi. Tasks considered to be group encounters are stated as being so in the task description. Group encounters…

  1. Can be attempted as soon as you enter a new tier, and as long as you have tasks remaining (unique drops or achievements) from the encounter in your tier or lower tiers.
  2. Must be abandoned on expiry of an instance if you finish your last task for that encounter in your active tier and all lower tiers.
  3. Have no gear, Herblore, Prayer or Summoning restrictions regardless of who you are in a group with.
  4. Are subject to the Placeholder system[3].
  5. Attempted solo must be abandoned as soon as you have no tasks remaining for the encounter in your tier and lower tiers.
§3.2.2 Arch-Glacor[edit]

While Arch-Glacor is subject to the placeholder system in the Master tier due to components for its uniques having Group PvM requirements, it is not itself a group boss. The only group encounter rule the Arch-Glacor adheres to, is §5.1 d, meaning it may only be fought for the purposes of obtaining uniques when required to by your active task.

§3.2.3 Araxxi[edit]

While Araxxi is generally considered a solo-encounter, the time-gated nature of its enrage mechanic entitles it to be subject to §3.2.1, sections a-d.

§3.2.4 Admin-approved group encounter events[edit]

You are allowed to participate in admin-approved group PvM encounters whenever they take place if...

  1. The boss is available in your highest unlocked tier and either
  2. You have uniques left for the boss in your tier or
  3. You are at at least 90% completion of your current tier, regardless of whether you have tasks left in your tier.

§4 Non-group encounters with other players[edit]

Taskman mode considers all PVM encounters not listed in §3.2.1 to be non-group encounters. Lootshare is allowed. In order to attempt non-group encounters, you must have the encounter for your active task or otherwise be allowed to kill the boss. If you are grouping, you may…

  1. No longer continue the grouping upon completion of your task.
  2. Group without gear restrictions, if your partner(s) is a Taskman in the same tier as yourself.
  3. Only do so with a non-Taskman account or a Taskman in a different tier than yourself, if weapon and armour tier, as well as any Herblore, Prayer or Summoning benefits are within 5 levels of the participating Taskman with the lowest levels.

§5 Special tasks in the active tiers[edit]

Some tasks in the active tiers are not your average tasks. Therefore…

  1. If an active task has a time-gate (real-life time must pass), you have to complete as much of the task as you can. If you still cannot proceed, you are allowed to mark the task complete. You must return to and finish it as soon as possible.

§6 Item acquisition[edit]

When obtaining an item which is required for your active task, if…

  1. The task specifically states where or how to obtain an item, do that.
  2. It is in stock in a store you already have access to, buy it.
  3. It cannot be bought, choose a method adhering to §2, c. You may choose to level up skills, if the required item can be obtained within the softcap[5] for the skills in your tier.

As a general note - if the obvious (skilling) route for an item is above the softcap of the tier, another method exists that can be used within the rules!

§6.1 Creation of beneficial consumable items and tools[edit]

When your activities would benefit from a consumable item or tool you do not currently possess…

  1. You are allowed to create them, provided you have the raw or processed materials for them already banked.
  2. You cannot gather items unless in accordance with §1, b.
  3. You may create the minimum you estimate your task to require.

§6.2 Items previously obtained for task completions[edit]

When an item would benefit your activities, you may, provided you have the relevant currency or materials, recreate or re-obtain items that you have previously been required to create or obtain.

§6.3 Minigame & D&D items[edit]

When purchasing from a minigame or D&D reward shop, you may, provided you have the relevant currency, freely purchase items that have no active tasks.

You may not sell purchased items to a reward shop once their respective task (if any) has been marked as completed.

§7 Quests and experience rewards[edit]

You can only start a quest or miniquest when it is required for your active task. While questing…

  1. You are allowed to finish any quest your task has forced you to start.
  2. Post-quest lamps and other experience rewards from your tasks, can be used on any skill for which you have the appropriate level, or saved for later if possible (or desirable).
  3. Treat each subquest of special quests - Recipe for Disaster and Dimension of Disaster - as its own quest.

§8 Clue scrolls[edit]

When your active task requires you to obtain treasure trail uniques, you are allowed to...

  1. Train skills up to their softcap[5] in your tier, if this allows you to complete the step.
  2. Complete quests.
  3. Gather items as required for the clue steps you roll.

And may not...

  1. Reroll the loot of any clue if a master clue is part of that loot.
  2. Downgrade master clues into any other tier clue.

§8.1 Easy clues[edit]

If you need flowers for Easy clues, you are allowed to complete the Waterfall Quest. If the 40 mithril seeds are insufficient for the colour of flower you need, you are out of luck until you reach the medium tier.

§8.2 Master clues[edit]

§8.2.1 Master clue emote steps[edit]

For Master clue emote steps, if…

  1. You are missing an item that is obtained from other-task-completing activities, you get one shot at the item each time you roll the step. You may do the other-task-completing activity, until you have received ONE unique from it. Downgrade or re-roll the clue if you do not get the item you’re looking for.
  2. An item would fill both a Player Owned House slot and a hidey hole but you are not in possession of a second one, you get ONE shot at a duplicate as in a.
§8.2.2 Running out of Master clue scrolls[edit]

When you are out of Master clues during a Master clue unique task, you may...

  1. Complete the Archaeology collections Urns of the Empire OR Green Gobbo Goodies I for tetracompass pieces. These compasses may be repaired and opened for clues.
  2. Open other types of clue scrolls if adhering to §2, c.

§9 Regarding specific skills[edit]

The following sections contain rulings on specific skills.

§9.1 Agility[edit]

You are allowed to use shortcuts and segments of Agility courses if they allow you to get to your point of interest faster.

§9.2 Archaeology[edit]

§9.2.1 Experience and chronotes[edit]

When doing an Archaeology task that requires experience or chronotes, you may…

  1. Excavate and restore any artefacts, as well as gather and create their secondary non-archaeology ingredients, if applicable.
  2. Complete mysteries.
  3. Hand in any collection you complete.
  4. Only offer relic items to the monolith on an appropriate task.
§9.2.2 Achievements[edit]

When working on Archaeology tasks that do not require experience or chronotes, you should aim to reduce experience gain where possible, including prioritising excavating and restoring low level artefacts from scratch over restoring higher level items. You may…

  1. Excavate and restore any artefact(s) your task specifically asks for.
  2. Excavate and restore artefacts from the Venator remains excavation hotspot to further your Discoverer and Restorer achievements.

§9.3 Construction[edit]

When your active task requires Construction experience...

  1. You may turn any type of log in your possession into planks.
  2. Provided you have already exhausted all logs/planks of that type in your possession, you may chop any type of log you have the Construction level to process.

§9.4 Cooking[edit]

There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.

§9.5 Crafting[edit]

When your active task requires Crafting experience, you may…

  1. Mine and cut gems from gem rocks despite receiving Mining experience
  2. Play and repair the harps in the Ithell district of Prifddinas, despite receiving Construction experience.

Crystal keys may be assembled whenever.

§9.6 Divination[edit]

There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.

§9.7 Dungeoneering[edit]

§9.7.1 Training in Daemonheim[edit]

When training Dungeoneering in the depths of Daemonheim, you may...

  1. Open as many doors as possible regardless of experience received in skills other than Dungeoneering in doing so.
  2. Gather and process items that would immediately speed up your Dungeoneering training or are otherwise required for completing your dungeon/task.
  3. Only group with Taskmen in the same tier or players whose Dungeoneering levels correspond to your own[4]. Medium tier taskmen and above may group with anyone.
  4. Collect any journal entry, Fremennik Saga items or Elven unreadable pages found, during your activities.
§9.7.2 Obtaining Dungeoneering tokens[edit]

When you are obtaining Dungeoneering tokens, you may...

  1. use both the Depths of Daemonheim and the Elite Dungeons (if it can be done in accordance with §2, c).
  2. group for Elite Dungeons with other players in your tier, or if your gear, Herblore, Prayer and Summoning benefits are within 5 levels of each other.
  3. use lucky charms in Elite Dungeons, if the uniques you have left have a drop rate of 1/2000 or rarer (refer to §2, c).

§9.8 Farming[edit]

The Farming skill is considered a passive skill. Therefore, earning Farming experience is allowed whenever. You may utilise any seeds you have the Farming level to plant, even if the seed yields experience in skills other than Farming, unless doing so would conflict with §1, a).

§9.8.1 The Player-owned Farm(s)[edit]

The tutorial for the Player-owned Farm as well as all pens for both farms have active tasks. The farms can be utilised to the extent you have completed these tasks. You may…

  1. Buy the deeds of any pen to unlock its associated animals.
  2. Consider the Player-owned Farm (and Ranch out of Time) animals a pet-item when deciding on a method for your active task (see §2, c).
  3. Use any animal as soon as you obtain them.

§9.9 Firemaking[edit]

When your active task requires Firemaking experience...

  1. You may burn any type of log in your possession.
  2. Provided you have already exhausted all logs of that type in your possession, you may chop any type of log you have the Firemaking level to burn.

§9.10 Fishing[edit]

Fish can be caught when...

  1. Your active task requires Cooking experience
  2. You are out of relevant food for PvM. Your Cooking unlock determines the amount you are allowed to fish.

§9.11 Fletching[edit]

When your active task requires Fletching experience...

  1. You may fletch any type of log in your possession.
  2. Provided you have already exhausted all logs of that type in your possession, you may chop any type of log you have the Fletching level to process.

§9.12 Herblore[edit]

When your active task requires Herblore experience, or you are making potions according to an unlock, you may...

  1. Kill monsters for seeds, herbs and secondaries in accordance with §2, c.
  2. Obtain, craft and create secondaries

§9.13 Hunter[edit]

There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.

§9.14 Magic[edit]

You are allowed to cast any spell whenever doing so is beneficial to your activities.

§9.15 Necromancy[edit]

There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, as it does not yet exist.

§9.16 Prayer[edit]

You are allowed to use bones and ashes for Prayer experience whenever you see fit, however you see fit. You may also freely hand in daily challenges for Prayer.

§9.17 Runecrafting[edit]

If your active task requires runes, and regular currency shops are out of stock, or do not sell the runes you need, you are allowed to Runecraft them, assuming you have the level and essence to do so.

§9.18 Slayer[edit]

§9.18.1 Slayer log uniques[edit]

When you roll a task to "Register a total of X unique item(s) in the [Area] section of your Slayer collection log", you may…

  1. Go for any unique item in the dropdown of the task that is not locked by quests.
  2. Level up Slayer high enough to access ANY unique in the dropdown.
  3. Attempt to obtain any unique with a Slayer skill icon next to them, by completing Slayer assignments (see §9.11.2 to determine viable assignments).

You MUST complete any assignment that can complete your task, regardless of other possible uniques.

§9.18.2 Viable assignments[edit]

When you are doing Slayer assignments to level up, obtain on-assignment uniques, or working on a task requiring Slayer points, you can do any assignment...

  1. Awarding unique items found in the dropdown of your task. These must be done.
  2. That cannot award unowned unique items, lore books and pages, unless in adherence with §2, c), or forced by §9.11.2, a).
  3. With a boss-version if your task requires Slayer experience and one of the following is true:
    1. The boss can be killed in adherence with §2
    2. You have an open group PvM placeholder for it
  4. Including special Slayer assignments, if this can be achieved in adherence with §2, c.

Any assignment not in adherence with this must be skipped. This can be done using either Slayer points or skipping tasks with Turael or Spria, but it must be done.

§9.18.3 Toggling Slayer monsters[edit]

You are allowed to toggle the option to be assigned Aquanites, Glacors, Muspahs, Nihils, Tormented demons and Nightmare creatures as Slayer assignments whenever you have the points.

§9.18.4 Capturing souls[edit]

When you are hunting for a soul for a pokedex task, you are not allowed to complete slayer assignments. If you happen to have one for the creature you must obtain a soul from, it must be cancelled.

§9.18.5 Use of Reaper assingments[edit]

Reaper assignments may...

  1. Only be completed once you have rolled the appropriate Medium tier unlock, and only for bosses you have unlocked the boss portal in War's retreat for.
  2. Not be completed for bosses that require keys, unless you already own the amount of keys required to finish your reaper.
  3. Not be completed for assignments that award you with 0 reaper points.
  4. Only be completed if kills contribute to your reaper, e.g. DeathTouch Darts can not be used by you.
  5. Not be completed for bosses that do not appear in your current or previous tier(s), even if you have one or more kill count from a Taskman Team-approved event as defined in §3.2.4

§9.19 Smithing[edit]

You are allowed to mine any ores necessary, when your active task requires you to smith an item or obtain Smithing experience. Regarding the Masterwork armour set, once you have completed the task to obtain it, you are allowed to gather and process resources for more glorious bars. These can be used to create new masterwork items, replace pieces of the set that have gone missing and as a one-off for cosmetic spikes for the Custom-fit, trimmed masterwork set.

When Smithing in the Artisans' Workshop you may not complete ceremonial sword orders unless your task is to obtain one, until full completion of the blacksmith's outfit (excluding the helmet addon), since orders have a 1/100 (1/25 for perfect) chance to award a piece (see §2, c).

§9.20 Summoning[edit]

When your active task requires Summoning experience, you may...

  1. Kill monsters for charms and tertiaries in accordance with §2, c.

§9.21 Thieving[edit]

There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.

§9.22 Woodcutting[edit]

There are no special rules or exceptions for this skill at present, outside of its associated unlocks.

§9.23 Invention[edit]

When training Invention for an active task requiring Invention experience, you may...

  1. Research blueprints.
  2. Level up augmented weapons and armour, and disassemble/siphon these.
  3. Only use methods for Invention training that adhere to §2, c.
§9.23.1 Use of Invention[edit]

Once you unlock Invention, you may…

  1. Use augmented, perked up gear, weapons and tools without any restrictions to their use.
  2. Research, create and use any Invention item you have the levels and materials for.
  3. Only siphon or disassemble Invention items, when your active task requires Invention experience.


1. Supply tasks[edit]

A supply task is a type of task requiring you to obtain a certain amount of a supply - for instance a type of fish, potion or Summoning pouch. They are tasks made specifically for Taskmen and are intended to smooth the training curve for particular skills or grant you useful consumables. While training skills for other tasks, items which are linked to supply tasks are not restricted. If, as a consequence, you already have enough of the required item(s) when you roll the supply task and the level required to make them, it must be automatically completed.

2. Group PVM encounters[edit]

Ultimately, the task admins decide whether an encounter classifies as group or solo. From the hard tier onwards, a boss might (but won't always) be considered a group encounter if:

The boss has no achievements saying: "Can only be completed in a solo instance".

The boss can be faced in a group, but the loot is distributed individually.

The boss has an enrage mechanic that resets with the in-game daily reset.

3. Placeholders[edit]

A placeholder is an artificial system implemented to ensure taskmen can always work on their active task. If you roll a group boss encounter, and cannot find a team at present, you're allowed to select a “Placeholder” in the unique-list, mark the task complete, and return to it later.

4. Unlocks[edit]

Unlocks are tied to completion of (some) tasks. They are intended to smooth your Taskman experience, allowing you to bypass the standard rules. All unlocks are in place to achieve a specific goal, and often have an expiration or limitation in the form of a period of time or a number of actions.

5. Softcaps[edit]

We've used a soft cap on the tiers to determine which content is destined for what tier. What it means is that a certain tier will have mostly content between levels X and levels Y. Not all skills are the same, and thus require different caps. Some tasks and rules may reference the soft caps to guide you towards certain methods and limit others. However, natural progression of skills beyond the caps is quite likely and you are NOT expected to stop using a skill entirely because it exceeds the stated level. You may also make use of any skill unlocks (better potions, food etc.) beyond the caps, provided you do so in accordance with the rest of the rules.

The softcaps can be viewed in the table below.

Combat Skills (not including Prayer / Summoning)[edit]

Tier Range
Tutorial 1-20
Beginner 1-50
Easy 51-70
Medium 71-90
Hard 91-99
Elite 100-113
Master 113-120
Legendary 120-126
God 126

Regular Skills[edit]

Tier Range
Beginner 1-30
Easy 31-50
Medium 51-70
Hard 71-80
Elite 81-90
Master 91-99
Legendary 100-113
God 114-126

120 Skills[edit]

Tier Range
Beginner 1-30
Easy 31-60
Medium 61-80
Hard 81-95
Elite 96-105
Master 106-120
Legendary 120-126
God 126

Elite Skills[edit]

Tier Range
Beginner N/A
Easy N/A
Medium N/A
Hard 1-95
Elite 96-120
Master 120
Legendary 121-150
God 150


In some cases, the wording of these rules may differ from the website for reasons of readability. The website's word is final if there is any material differences between the two.


  • 17th May 2023
    • Re-aligned rules with the Taskman site (again).
  • 25th January 2021
    • Added section on Invention specific rulings.
  • 1st January 2021
    • Once again re-synchronised rules from the Taskman website.
  • 16th November 2020
    • Re-synchronised with rule changes from the Taskman site.
  • 24th June 2020
    • Rules page brought back into alignment with the Taskman site.