
From Taskman Wiki
Revision as of 21:14, 25 July 2023 by Legatoo (talk | contribs) (2 star passives done)
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RSN: TaskEllie

Current ToDo (Roughly in priority):

  • Ensure passives are up to date and sorted
    • 1 star passives: DONE
    • 2 star passives: DONE
    • 3 star passives untouched
    • 4 star passives untouched
    • 5 star passives untouched
    • Old passives started removing, maybe 10%
  • Bring discord changelogs into the patch notes page
    • Up to date to start of this year, need all 2022.
  • Page for community tools and resources
    • Post in disc to see what'd be useful
  • Flesh out passives pages
    • Images
    • Strategies
    • Estimated completion time?


Acronym Reference
Abbreviation Meaning
IC Initial Creation
RDR Redirect
MV Page move