Register a total of X unique items in the Wilderness section of your Slayer collection log

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Register a total of X unique items in the Wilderness section of your Slayer collection log
Task icon.webp
The uniques can be obtained from the following monsters: Revenants, Lava strykewyrms (requiring 94 Slayer) and most other monsters in the Wilderness. Check the wiki for further details.
Tier Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite, Master, Legendary
ID YDQB 8GJR VG9E 25MW EQ56 67XB QV73 DQ58 WD4Y 554Q 35ZV GQ5Q 7KN9 KV5N BQ59 MQ5G ZDJW 9MRN 4599 XDX5 7KNE KV5Y BQ5K MQ57 ZD56 9MJ4 45ZR XD56 N68D JVNG RV6Y YD5E 8GN5 VG5R 25B5 EQMV RVR9 674Y YG3Y 
RS Wiki page Forinthry's Fury

Number of Tasks[edit]

These tasks appear in tiers from Easy to Legendary, with the following breakdown:

  • Easy - 5
  • Medium - 8
  • Hard - 10
  • Elite - 8
  • Master - 5
  • Legendary - 3

The final task is for completion of the Wildest of All achievement.

Drop Log Items[edit]

Drop First Tier Monster (Slayer Level) Drop Rate Task Allowed
Corrupt dragon equipment Easy Revenants (1) Varies[1]
Ancient Warriors' equipment[2] Easy Revenants (1) Varies[1]
Revenant Spirit[3] Easy Revenants (1) Varies[1][4]
Fremennik equipment patch Easy Wilderness shared loot table[5] (1) Uncommon
Adrenaline crystal Easy Wilderness shared loot table[5] (1) Uncommon
Wilderness hilt Easy Wilderness shared loot table[5] (1) Rare
Revenant drop enhancer Easy Wilderness shared loot table[5] (1) Rare
Ancient warriors' equipment patch Easy Wilderness shared loot table[5] (1) Very Rare[6]
Dragon chainbody Medium Dust devil (65) 1/32,768
Greater Sonic Wave ability codex Hard Risen ghost[7] (85) Very Rare[8] Slayer
Wyrm spike Hard Lava strykewyrm (94) 1/12,288[8] Slayer
Wyrm heart Hard Lava strykewyrm (94) 1/12,288[8] Slayer
Wyrm scalp Hard Lava strykewyrm (94) 1/12,288[8] Slayer
  1. Drop rates are higher for higher level revenants (ranges roughly from 1/1000 to 1/100 to get an arbitrary corrupt dragon or Ancient Warriors pieces)
  2. Corrupt versions count for the same log spots as their non-corrupted counterparts
  3. Spirit must be consumed to be added to log
  4. Drop rates decrease based on how many spirits have been obtained
  5. Most monsters in the wilderness have access to the shared table, see wiki for more details
  6. Increased drop rate (Rare) from revenants (1)
  7. Also dropped by Armoured phantoms (113)
  8. Increased drop rate on slayer assignment

Suggested spot to stand on[edit]

If you are struggling to stay alive at revenants due to aggro, try the following spot, and move into the cage just south of you for cover. You can also get a Forinthry bracelet (enchanted diamond bracelet) which has five charges. Each charge grants immunity to revenants for a minute and non-aggression for an hour. They are dropped by Skeletal hands and Zombie hands.


Avoiding Inadvertent Task Completion[edit]