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Welcome to the Taskman Mode Tutorial

Choosing your mode[edit]

This page will take you through the basics of the mode and its two variants: Taskman and Taskmain. First off, let’s get you set with the right variant for you.

  • If you want to play Taskman, you must begin your account as a Taskman with the intention of exclusively following Taskman rules.
  • For those who prefer not to play exclusively under Taskman rules, there's an alternative mode called Taskmain. Read on below.

The Taskman challenge[edit]

The Taskman challenge is played on a fresh ironman account.

  • Choosing this variant means you follow all of the rules, even when it means being inefficient!
  • You complete tasks one task and (difficulty) tier at a time.
  • After completion of the tutorial, you will appear on the leaderboard where you can see how you’re doing compared to other players.

The Taskmain challenge[edit]

The Taskmain challenge is played on any other account type, be it an old ironman, a non-ironman or even a fresh ironman, if you only want to play by a few of the rules.

  • Choosing Taskmain means you can customise the types of tasks you want to roll (such as MQC, boss log or RuneScore).
  • You can roll tasks from any tier, at any time, depending on your customisation.

If you ever wish to change your account type, be warned - you may only change from man to main, never the other way.